Female Business Haven
by SKE Creative Services

Start Your Digital Marketing Journey: Lessons From Bridgerton

Starting a digital marketing business can be as easy–or as difficult–as finding a spouse in the Regency era.

Picture this: the grand ballrooms of Regency-era London, where whispers of...

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Copywriting Tips: The Psychology Of Curiosity

copy editing copywriting May 15, 2024

Ever wondered why some copy keeps you hooked? Let's dive into the fascinating world of curiosity in copywriting.

Curiosity is a powerful motivator in human behaviour. It's something that we "just...

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The Faceless Regime: How Faceless Marketing Is Taking The World By Storm

Something that has been gaining steam on the social media platforms (but especially Instagram) is Faceless Marketing.

Social media platforms were previously full of high-energy faces. Marketing...

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Empowering Education: Unleashing the Benefits of Digital Resources for Students

Digital Resources have always been a popular tool amongst the digital marketing and online business community, but they can help you with more than just your lead generation.

Everyone is a...

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How To Balance Creativity and Clarity In Your Writing To Create Impact

Writing in your business is not easy. If you're a creative, typically you struggle to make yourself clear and if you're more of a straightforward, follow-the-rules marketer, it might be so clear...

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Pro's and Con's of Hiring a Copywriter to Write Your Copy

Hiring help in your business is a big decision. No matter what type of help you're looking for, it's definitely not an impulsive choice.

When you're new, chances are the first freelancer you hire...

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Transform Your Marketing with Irresistible Calls to Action

A Call To Action might sound like something small and insignificant. More like an afterthought. But your call to action is one of the most important parts of your emails, posts and landing pages.


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The #1 Question On Business Owners Minds: Should I Really Write a Book?

This is a hot topic right now, a trendy thing, something on a lot of business owners' minds... Should I write a book?

And, it's a fair question.

All the bigwigs are doing it... Actually, it seems...

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5 tips to write powerful headlines that grab attention and drive traffic

Your headline is the first thing someone reads when they come across your blog and it's often the make or break of how well overall the blog performs.

Sure, if it's a good topic it might still do...

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5 Best Tips For Working Effectively With Your Editor

copy editing copywriting Aug 30, 2023

Are you writing your first (or maybe not first) book and looking for an editor before you self-publish?

First, congratulations! That's very exciting. Writing a book is not an easy feat so the fact...

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