Female Business Haven
by SKE Creative Services

Pro's and Con's of Hiring a Copywriter to Write Your Copy

Hiring help in your business is a big decision. No matter what type of help you're looking for, it's definitely not an impulsive choice.

When you're new, chances are the first freelancer you hire...

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Transform Your Marketing with Irresistible Calls to Action

A Call To Action might sound like something small and insignificant. More like an afterthought. But your call to action is one of the most important parts of your emails, posts and landing pages.


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3 Things You Should Stop Doing As A Sensitive Soul Business Owner

"You're just too quiet," "You're too sensitive," "In order to be successful you need to be louder," "That's just an excuse, I'm an introvert too."

Have you heard these phrases, or similar ones,...

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5 tips to write powerful headlines that grab attention and drive traffic

Your headline is the first thing someone reads when they come across your blog and it's often the make or break of how well overall the blog performs.

Sure, if it's a good topic it might still do...

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How To Create a Weekly Strategy to Increase Productivity and Master Your Day

Productivity. The biggest buzzword in the professional world.

Everyone wants to have productive days. All employers crave productive employees. As business owners, we want to maximize our days and...

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4 Do's And Don'ts of Balanced Living For Service Based Business Owners

When you're a service-based business owner it can feel incredibly hard to have any sort of balance in your life.

Often, it can feel more like you're in a constant state of chaos. You're running,...

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The Power of Finding People Like You: A Quiet Introverts Entrepreneurial Journey

I usually skip these things and I very nearly did skip this one...

During busy weeks, especially, calls that aren't mandatory I tend to skip. I got back from my walk at 1:57pm prepared to skip the...

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Revitalize Your Entrepreneurial Journey: 3 Effective Ways to Beat Burnout

As entrepreneurs we always feel busy, our to-do list is never-ending but always growing and it can feel like we don't have time for anything.

But here's the issue with that mindset... It always...

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The Psychology Of Copywriting: Understanding How People Think And Act

How can you get people to buy your stuff? You see them go to your sales pages and then click away. What the heck? Your stuff is good and you know it!

So, why don't they?

There's a psychology to...

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The Power of Proofreading: How To Increase Engagement And Boost Sales With Editing

Have you ever read a book, an ad, a website or anything else a business put out but you ended up being so distracted because of a few typos you found in the piece of writing?

Yes, same!

It happens....

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