Female Business Haven
by SKE Creative Services

Empowering Education: Unleashing the Benefits of Digital Resources for Students

Digital Resources have always been a popular tool amongst the digital marketing and online business community, but they can help you with more than just your lead generation.

Everyone is a...

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How To Balance Creativity and Clarity In Your Writing To Create Impact

Writing in your business is not easy. If you're a creative, typically you struggle to make yourself clear and if you're more of a straightforward, follow-the-rules marketer, it might be so clear...

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Discover the crucial first step to launching a successful business

Uncategorized Jan 17, 2024

This might seem like the most basic thing and that it's the least important part of launching a successful business but trust me when I say, it's the most important.

The number one step when...

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The Life Changing Benefits of Passive Income for Freelancers in 2024

Passive income is a powerful opportunity that can dramatically change a freelancer's business.

In 2021 and 2022 my business took a nose dive, income-wise. Covid had finally wiped everyone clean and...

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Supercharge Your New Year: 10 Powerful Tips to Plan For Your Best Year Yet

Happy New Year! Well, almost New Year's. But now is the perfect time to get started making your plan for the new year.

Some people like to wait until the start of the year and that's great. I like...

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A Letter To Freelancers To Help Get Through The Holiday Season

Dearest Freelancer,

I am writing this letter for you, as I like to do at the start of the holidays. Every time of year is crazy for you but this time of year is especially crazy.

Your clients all...

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Create Success and Balance: 10 Slow Living Strategies For Mindful Work Habits

Your habits make a huge difference in not just your day-to-day but your overall life.

Many people don't focus on their habits at all (they still have habits even if they don't actively participate...

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Pro's and Con's of Hiring a Copywriter to Write Your Copy

Hiring help in your business is a big decision. No matter what type of help you're looking for, it's definitely not an impulsive choice.

When you're new, chances are the first freelancer you hire...

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Transform Your Marketing with Irresistible Calls to Action

A Call To Action might sound like something small and insignificant. More like an afterthought. But your call to action is one of the most important parts of your emails, posts and landing pages.


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3 Things You Should Stop Doing As A Sensitive Soul Business Owner

"You're just too quiet," "You're too sensitive," "In order to be successful you need to be louder," "That's just an excuse, I'm an introvert too."

Have you heard these phrases, or similar ones,...

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