Female Business Haven
by SKE Creative Services

How to Master the Art of Writing Persuasive Copy with These Powerful Tips

business tips copywriting Jun 07, 2023

When we are writing copy for our business - whether that's on social media, a sales page or our website - it's important we persuade our customers to buy.

We want to hook them on the value of what...

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Why You Shouldn't Completely Replace Your Editor With An AI Tool

Have you been watching the rise of AI and thinking that it might be an interesting way to save some time and money?

I mean there seems to be an AI tool for just about everything nowadays hey?


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5 Foolproof Ways To Overcome Doubts And Boost Your Confidence As A Freelancer

It doesn't matter what service or product you offer I would bet money on the fact that at some point in your journey, you have felt the overwhelming feeling of self-doubt and insecurity...


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5 Unforgettable Ways to Transform Your Website Copy with Your Powerful Story

I'm sure you've been told this before... Keep your copy all about 'THEM.'

Don't talk about you.
Don't make it about you.
Change all the I's to You's.

But I also hear all the time "People aren't...

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Why "hard work" is not the factor that guarantees success in business

business tips psychology Mar 08, 2023

We have all heard the phrase "hard work pays off," but does it?

For some, sure, for others, no.

But there are lots of successful people out there or the Kim Kardashian's of the world preaching that...

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Why telling your story in your marketing can positively help your sales

Uncategorized Feb 22, 2023

I know you've heard many times that "we gotta talk about them not us." But is this really true?

The answer is yes... and no.

Here's the thing, as humans we are naturally fairly self-centred,...

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Top 3 Reasons I Can't Get Into Artificial Intelligence (AI) As A Copywriter

Yes, by now I'm sure we have all heard of AI, Artificial Intelligence. And you may or may not have formed an opinion about it.

Mine? Honestly, not the biggest fan.

Now, I want to preface by saying,...

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What is the difference between hiring an employee and hiring a business?

Uncategorized Feb 02, 2023

Have you been starting to consider that you might need some extra help in your business and it's time to hire your first assistant?

As someone who has had various roles in the Virtual Assistant...

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Getting back to my roots and why you should too!

Uncategorized Jan 25, 2023

Getting back to my roots. Well that's fairly ominous, isn't it? What does that even mean?

Lately, I have been feeling like I haven't been true to myself. I have been working in my business to make...

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3 Pieces of Advice To Help You Switch Your Business Services

Uncategorized Jan 12, 2023

Are you like me? Occasionally you'll get a little nudge to switch things up in your business and start offering new services.

What you're doing just doesn't excite you anymore, you don't feel...

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