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by SKE Creative Services

How And What To Eat During The Winter

Uncategorized Nov 17, 2021

Eating seasonally isn't always easy but I can bet you'll notice a big difference when you do.

Thanks for sticking around after last week's break. I did a masterclass last week that required a...

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3 Ways To Reduce Your Plastic When The Weather Turns Cold

Uncategorized Nov 03, 2021

Many find it much easier to reduce their plastic usage and be eco-friendly during the warmer months.

There are farmer's markets open, fresh produce is easier to come by, we spend more time outside,...

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Spooky and Spiritual at Halloween: A History

Uncategorized Oct 27, 2021

Spooky Season is upon us and I don't know about you but I've always felt extra spiritual around this time of year.

Over time Halloween has morphed into a time when children dress up and accept...

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Did you know that human brains are wired to seek out negativity first?

Uncategorized Oct 20, 2021

There's this pesky little thing called the "negativity bias." It was a useful little evolutionary trait for early humans.

Pain and negativity are both processed in the same location and feel the...

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What Is Reiki & How Can It Help Me?

Uncategorized Oct 13, 2021

I found Reiki exactly when I needed it.... Or should I say.... Reiki found its way to me when I needed it.

I guess I should say when I needed it most because I have always needed it.

But from what...

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The Biggest Thing I Learned From Being The Kid Of Teenagers

Uncategorized Oct 06, 2021

I went back and forth on whether or not I was going to write this blog. It's deep and personal.

There was a long time when I kept it a secret. I didn't tell people the ages of my parents. When I...

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Why I Use Crystals In My Wellness Practice

Uncategorized Sep 30, 2021

I used to be a very straight-laced person who desired to be just like everyone else. I only had a concept of mainstream ideas. That's all I knew and desired.

But, I wasn't well. I only knew "eat...

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Sunshine: How Nature Can Improve Our Health

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2021

I never liked the feeling of having zero control over something that involved my own body.

So when things felt so out of control I started looking things up and learning and I came across an...

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Why the world needs a neurodivergent perspective on health

Uncategorized Sep 15, 2021

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Language Processing Disorder, etc., etc.. It's an epidemic!

I heard someone say this recently and it...

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How your gut health has the power to make you sicker or healthier

Uncategorized Sep 08, 2021

There is a lot out there on the connection between our gut and our immune system (and really any other system).

Humans have a lot of bacteria cells (like a lot) and we often make the mistake of...

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