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by SKE Creative Services

[Blue Zones Series] The Power of Spirituality

Uncategorized Mar 10, 2021

This week I am continuing our 9 week Blue Zones Series. For 9 weeks we are covering the 9 different patterns that help centenarians live and thrive longer.

If you missed last week's blog on...

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[Blue Zones Series] The Power of Slow: Stress Management

Uncategorized Mar 03, 2021

This week I am continuing our 9 week Blue Zones Series. For 9 weeks we are covering the 9 different patterns that help centenarians live and thrive longer.

If you missed last week's blog on...

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[Blue Zones Series] The Power Of Purpose and Satisfaction

Uncategorized Feb 24, 2021

This week I am continuing on with our Blue Zones Series. For 9 weeks we are covering the 9 different patterns that help centenarians live and thrive longer.

If you missed last week's blog on The...

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[Blue Zones Series] The Power Of Movement

Uncategorized Feb 17, 2021

I've had a surge of motivation this week. So, over the next few weeks (9 to be exact) I'll be doing a Blue Zones Series where I focus on one of the 9 patterns of longevity from the Blue Zones.


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Why do you eat the diet you do?

Uncategorized Feb 10, 2021

This is something I've noticed all over the internet right now and it's driving me nuts!

All these experts walking around telling you their diet is the best way.

If you want to lose weight you need...

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Unpopular opinion: You don't need to have perfect sustainability to care about the planet

Uncategorized Feb 03, 2021

Ooo, this topic might stir up some feelings but I feel it's a message that needs to be said.

Sustainability activists out there seem to demand perfection. It's an all or nothing in their opinion....

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Does food really have an impact on our mental health?

Uncategorized Jan 27, 2021

Recently, I posted in a Facebook group I'm a group expert in asking "do you think food has an impact on our mental health" and the response was incredible.

I had some powerful and amazing...

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Did you know I have a page of fears with more than 30 items on it?

Uncategorized Jan 20, 2021

I kid you not. I still have it at home.

When I first started seeing a therapist she sensed a common theme in my life. So she asked me to go home and write out a list of all of my fears.

So when I...

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My journey to slow living from an intensely hustle based life

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2021

Last year was one of the craziest years of my life (but not in the way that everyone's talking about the year 2020).

Last year a lot of things happened. Once COVID hit my business actually...

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How I got my meat-eating fiancƩ to agree to (and enjoy) a plant-based Christmas dinner

Uncategorized Dec 30, 2020

Let me answer your first question: Yes, I'm plant-based and my fiancé eats meat.

Now your second question: No, I will never force him to be plant-based. I believe that's a decision he has to...

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