Female Business Haven
by SKE Creative Services

How Can Working On Mindset Improve Your Physical Health?

Uncategorized Aug 25, 2021

All the domains of wellness don't just play a role in your overall health they can actually play a role in helping the other domains.

When we think about physical health we immediately think about...

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The One Mindset Shift I Needed To Change Everything

Uncategorized Aug 18, 2021

I'm constantly reminded that mindset is everything!

Despite it being not one of the main things we think about when asked "what is wellness" or "what are your wellness goals"?

But mindset honestly...

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But, Why Both Sustainability & Wellness? Shouldn't You Just Pick One?

Uncategorized Aug 11, 2021

But, why both sustainability and wellness? You should just pick one. Those are the rules of online business.

First, I'm a Manifesting Generator / ADHD queen. My brain cannot even fathom "just...

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What it means to be a "misfit"

Uncategorized Jul 29, 2021

Have you ever felt like you just "don't fit in"?

A word that I have been throwing around lately is the term "misfit." Recently, I decided that I wanted to embrace my neurodiversity instead of...

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How I'm Training For A Half Marathon After a 9 Year Break

Uncategorized Jul 21, 2021

So, recently I decided, after being asked by a friend, to run a half-marathon in September. Boom just dropped that mic.

To put it in perspective, the last time I ran a half-marathon I was 9 years...

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Did You Know Reading Can Help You Live Longer and Other Things?

Uncategorized Jul 14, 2021

Reading is one of the most incredible things you can do for your brain.

Did you know that?

While I know everyone learns differently and there are many reasons why reading isn't accessible to...

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Slow And Steady Wins The Race

Uncategorized Jul 07, 2021

Have you heard that before? "Slow and steady wins the race." I always thought it never made sense.

I mean come on.... Don't they know that you have to be the fastest to win the race? If you're slow...

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The Wellness Goal You Should Really Have

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2021

Whenever I ask people what their wellness goal is I often get things like "I want to lose weight," or "I want to look like this." Then when they don't reach that goal in the time they were hoping...

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An Introvert Living In An Extroverted World.

Uncategorized Jun 23, 2021

I heard a lot during this pandemic "I think I'm actually an introvert because I have loved spending more time at home!"

And it's not up to me to decide if someone is an introvert or an extrovert...

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How To Protect Your Immune System In A Post-COVID World?

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2021

Things are opening back up! Restrictions are loosening and people are beginning to emerge from their hermit life.

Anybody else excited to go into a grocery store mask-free?

But here's one thing to...

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